Every year, millions of people worldwide set themselves resolutions for the new year, many of which struggle to make it out of the first couple of weeks in January.

Rather than getting a six-pack or running a marathon by march, we have put together a list of some resolutions that are a bit more realistic, are achievable, and will make a genuine difference to your everyday life.

Reading More

Reading is one of the best skills to dedicate yourself to, building discipline and expanding your knowledge in equal measure.

Admittedly, we are hardly reinventing the wheel with this suggestion, and reading more has been high up on the list of popular new year’s resolutions for many years at this point.

However, it also happens to be one of the most achievable options, and a major change of lifestyle isn’t required meaning you are much more likely to stick with it.

Even better most people, even those who hate reading to begin with often find themselves loving it just a few weeks in and will quickly find themselves wondering how they ever lived without it. Even just a few pages a day really does have the potential to change your life.

Pest Proofing your home

Few new year’s resolutions will have more of an impact on you and your loved ones than taking steps to protect yourself from the threat of pest activity.

Clearing away garden waste such as leaves and mulch, sealing gaps in the exterior of your property, and decluttering your loft as just some of the things that will not only improve your quality of life but will also reduce the risk of pest issues in the new year.

We might be a bit biased being one of the top Liverpool pest experts, but few changes will make as much of a difference to your life as stopping pests in their tracks.

Treat Yourself

Sound like a new year’s resolution you can get behind? Funnily enough, both saving and spending money can be worthwhile new year’s resolutions but spending more is certainly the less popular of the two.

We aren’t saying to go mad, or to throw all of your saving goals out the window, but many people really struggle with treating themselves and spending just that little bit more on the things that make you and your family happy can be a wonderful commitment to make as we move forward into a new year.

Get back into an old hobby

Taking up new hobbies and interests is another extremely popular new year’s resolution option but getting back into a hobby that you were passionate about in the past will give you a bit of a head start.

Having a base skill level will hopefully give you a bit of a leg up and prevent that initial level of frustration that leads to so many giving up on their hobby resolutions.

Knitting, singing, walking, or swimming, make whatever you are passionate about a priority in 2024.